Conflict Minerals Policy Statement



InterVision Global Holdings Limited and all associated entities are committed to ethical business principles and the promotion of human rights. We recognise the significant role that businesses play in promoting peace and stability in regions affected by conflict and the abuse of human rights. As such, we are dedicated to ensuring that our supply chain is free from ‘conflict minerals’ that directly or indirectly finance armed conflict or human rights violations.

‘Conflict minerals’ include tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (referred to as “3TG”) sourced from conflict-affected regions and which can have devastating social, environmental, and economic impacts. By implementing responsible sourcing practices, we aim to play our part in preventing the exploitation of natural resources to fund conflict.

Our commitment

Our commitment to the responsible sourcing of minerals includes:

  1. Conducting due diligence to identify and assess risks in the supply chain related to ‘conflict minerals’.

  2. Engaging with suppliers to communicate our expectations and requirements for responsible mineral sourcing.

  3. Implementing controls and processes to trace and verify the origin of any minerals used in our products.

We are dedicated to upholding the principles of integrity, transparency, and respect for human rights across all our operations. We expect all employees, suppliers, and partners to comply with this Conflict Minerals Policy and support our efforts to promote responsible sourcing practices. Our policy and practice follow the guidance provided by the Responsible Minerals Initiative and the OECD guidance (OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas ).

This policy statement reflects our ongoing commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainable business practices.

Changes to this Policy Statement

We reserve the right to change this Policy Statement from time to time and post the new version on the website. When we do so, we will notify users of the fact on the main screen of the Site, and the new version of this Policy Statement will take effect.

Any changes will be made available